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Showing posts from September 29, 2015

Tap Tap Ground

Ground Zero Engage, Ignition Confession Zero Transmission Hello. Now's the time for once upon a (fill in the blank) Give thanks. Duty 1: be grateful. 2: be kind.  3: be savior to, not of. 4: Craft a Heaven all around you. 5: Love.  6: Laugh. 7: Live. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime

The Job

If anyone is going to take anything from what I have to say I'm gonna make sure it's a positive note. I may not have been the "best man for the job" but I am certainly doing the "job", it's my duty. (How much you getting paid?) Money doesn't exist in a truly free society. (How on earth do you get stuff done?) By doing it. Need before want and satisfaction's garaunteed...  © 2015 Mark Richard Prime